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  • Artemisia annua is an herb traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat fever, inflammation, and malaria.
  • Precursor to the active metabolite thiamin diphosphate, which is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  • VITAMIN B-6 is an essential nutrient, required for the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. It facilitates the conversion of amino acids from one to another as needed, and is necessary for normal synthesis of hemoglobin, as well as for the normal function and growth of red blood cells. VITAMIN B-6 promotes a healthy immune system and helps recycle homocysteine back to the amino acid methionine, thus preventing an unwanted build-up of homocysteine. It is also needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and for converting essential fatty acids into prostaglandins (chemical messengers).
  • Vitamin B6 is converted into the main enzyme responsible for amino acid & protein metabolism. The central nervous system also relies on B6 in the production of serotonin, a critical neurotransmitter.
  • Promotes Healthy Energy Levels
    • A balanced ratio of FoodState® B complex vitamins delivered with nourishing whole foods, helps convert food into cellular energy and support nervous system health
  • B-Minus

    • Free of B12 and folate for greater control and flexibility in adjusting dose and regimen
    • With active forms of B vitamins
    • May help support healthy metabolism
    • May help support cognitive health
  • Liquid B-12 is a complete B-complex formula that is high in vitamin B-12. B vitamins are often found together because, although each works independently of the others, they often function together in common metabolic pathways. For example, most of the B vitamins are involved in energy production pathways. In addition, vitamin B-12 and folic acid are both essential for the synthesis of DNA during cell division and therefore are important for rapidly multiplying cells, such as blood cells. This formula contains 5,000 mcg of B-12 in three different forms to optimize its utilization.
  • A dietary supplement to support skin and hair health and intestinal flora function
  • Burdock is originally native to Europe and Northern Asia, but now grows all over the world. It has been used for hundreds of years in Japanese and Chinese cultures as an herbal supplement. It has burrs that stick to clothing and animal fur, which helps the plant spread and pollinate. Today, it is traditionally taken for joint support.
    • Gentle Form Of Vitamin C: High potency Vitamin C in a gentle formula for sensitive individuals. 500mg per capsule allows customized dosing for optimal absorption and GI tract comfort.
  • Calcium Lactate can be absorbed at various pH levels and does not need to be taken with food for absorption.
  • Not only is Butyrate critical in repairing the lining of the gut and the health of cells within it—but it also supports healthy inflammation response to protect the body from disease while improving immune function.
  • Highly abundant in the body, but mostly found in bones and teeth, calcium supports bone health and encourages healthy nervous system and muscle function. Vitamin D is included to encourage calcium absorption to help maintain healthy bone density and promote overall bone health.
  • Coral is an excellent mineral supplement because the calcium and other minerals are easily absorbed and assimilated by the body. Coral minerals are organic since they are predigested by small sea animals that ingest the ionic ocean minerals and secrete them into a coral formation. Inorganic minerals are very difficult for the body to assimilate, like trying to digest little rocks. Coral provides a full-spectrum mineral supplement containing 74 minerals.
    • Breaks down yeast to promote balance
    • Combined enzyme blend works gently without common die-off symptoms
    • Supports gut and microbiome health
    • Contains high-potency cellulase & protease enzymes
  • Use as a castor oil pack or as a nourishing massage oil to support healthy hair and vibrant skin.
    • Made with Montmorency variety cherries (1,200 mg potency)
    • Provides powerful anthocyanins that protect the body from oxidative damage
  • Chromium is an essential trace mineral and plays a role in glucose metabolism. Chromium helps to release energy from cells and is required for proper receptor functioning necessary for nutrient metabolism.
  • Traditional support for the gastrointestinal system.
  • L-Citrulline is a natural amino acid that supports sports performance and good health, while at the same time helping the liver detoxify. L-Citrulline helps the body rid itself of ammonia, a by-product of intense exercise. This clearing enables the body to recover after a workout, and it frees ATP energy for enhanced uses such as respiration and signal transduction.
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