Now offering over the phone consultations, a curbside service, and free shipping for online orders over $75.00!
  • Amino acid from tea that supports a healthy stress response, relaxation, focus, and memory

    Theanine, found almost exclusively in the tea plant, helps modify brain waves by increasing alpha-wave production. It also enhances brain neurotransmitters involved in stress management.

    How to Use

    Take 1 capsule one to three times daily or as recommended by your health professional.
  • An advanced multi formula with added benefits to support healthy aging and eye health

    Advanced Nutrients is a powerhouse formula that supports health and well-being with added antioxidants from well-studied nutrients and botanicals that contribute to healthy aging.

  • Vitamin K2 in its MK-4 form to support bone, heart, and blood vessel health

    Vitamin K2 (as MK-4) exerts a more powerful influence on bone health than vitamin K1. K2 also supports heart and blood vessel health. It comes in a metered bottle for ease of use.

    How to Use

    Take 15 drops one to three times daily or as recommended by your health professional. Invert bottle to dispense individual drops. May be added to food or mixed in beverages. Do not refrigerate.
  • All-in-one daily detox with protein, multi-vitamin, and multi-mineral support in a delicious chocolate flavor.

    MediClear-SGS is a rice-and-pea protein formula with a complete multi-vitamin/mineral profile, antioxidants, and broccoli seed extract – offering daily detox support for a toxic world.*

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