UT Health


  • Provides Support for Healthy Urinary Tract Function
  • Supports Healthy Microbial Balance in the Urinary Tract
  • Helps Maintain a Healthy Mucosal Surface in the Urinary Tract
  • Promotes Healthy Immune Function

Suggested Use: 1 capsule per day or as recommended by your health care professional


UT Health is a formula designed to support kidney and urinary tract health and to help to promote microbial balance. The formula includes Anthocran, a cranberry extract which standardized to 36 mg proanthocyanidins (PACs), which makes it has been shown to be the optimal daily dose for urinary tract health. UT Health also includes dandelion leaf extract, which naturally flushes out urinary passages and Ellirose, an extract of hibiscus flower shown to promote healthy microbial balance in the urinary tract. Each capsule of UT Defense includes 120 mg Anthocran, 225 mg dandelion leaf extract and 200 mg Ellirose.

Anthocran and Ellirose
UT Health includes Anthocran, a concentrated source of proabtocyanidins (PACs), and Ellirose, an extract of hibiscus flower. Both have been shown to support urinary tract health by promoting microflora balance.

Dandelion Leaf Extract
Dandelion leaf extract promotes healthy urinary tract function by providing support for natural urinary flow

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. †


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