

Clinical Applications
• Supports Healthy Liver Function and Fat Metabolism
• Enhances Liver Lipid Clearance
• Protects the Liver from Toxins and Oxidative Stress
• Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Levels



The liver is the major metabolic organ in the body with more than 500 vital functions that have been identified. In fact, the liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and holds about one pint (13%) of the body’s blood supply at any given moment. Some of the more well-known functions of the liver include production of certain proteins for blood plasma, production of cholesterol and lipoproteins to help carry fats through the body, conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage, and balancing or producing glucose as needed. As a result, liver congestion can cause cardiometabolic challenges, especially when lipids accumulate. Maintaining normal lipid levels has become a concern for many in the United States and across the globe. The prevalence of refined sugars, carbohydrates and unhealthy fats in the Western diet has been directly linked to many contemporary liver and cardiovascular challenges. HepatoCORE provides a powerful blend of plant-based compounds that support healthy liver function and fat metabolism, maintain normal blood pressure levels, increase antioxidant capacity, and maintain cardiometabolic health.

Bergacyn FF
Bergacyn’s unique blending of a high-polyphenol extract of bergamot and a high-sesquiterpene extract of artichoke leaf showed a novel synergistic benefit that was more effective than stand-alone, single doses of bergamot or artichoke extract. In a randomized clinical study, a total of 102 patients received a bergamot polyphenol fraction and an artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) extract at 300 mg/day for 12 weeks. The combination improved liver fat clearance in individuals with liver congestion over 50 years of age. Because there are limited options to support liver fat metabolism, this unique combination could become the cornerstone of liver support for patients with liver congestion and fat metabolism concerns. In another randomized, double-blind clinical trial with 60 participants who consumed bergamot and artichoke extract, this targeted combination was shown to maintain normal cholesterol levels and healthy LDL levels over time. There was also a significant reduction of waist circumference and visceral adipose tissue, even in subjects who did not follow a low-calorie diet. Therefore, the synergism between Citrus bergamia polyphenols and Cynara cardunculus extracts may be an effective option to increase fat clearance, maintain normal lipid levels, and decrease waist circumference and visceral adipose tissue.

Aged Black Garlic Extract
Aged black garlic is a highly stable and bioactive compound that has been shown in several studies to inhibit oxidative damage because of its potent antioxidant and cardioprotective properties. Aged black garlic extract is made from Allium sativum and shares many of the same health benefits as raw garlic, from preserving liver function to protecting heart health; however, aged black garlic boasts a higher concentration of key antioxidants. According to a critical review published in the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, aged black garlic demonstrates much higher biological activity than fresh garlic, and its antioxidant properties are specifically beneficial for maintaining cardiometabolic health. Aged black garlic specifically helps support normal heart contraction as well as normal fibrinolytic and platelet activity. In addition, it helps maintain healthy blood pressure and lipid levels, and helps to reduce oxidative burden. In a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of 60 participants, aged black garlic supplementation improved key markers of cardiometabolic health.6 Another 2022 randomized, controlled trial of 67 men consuming 250 mg (1.25 mg SAC)/day of aged black garlic for three weeks showed positive circulatory benefits and protection while maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. †


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