Primal Preworkout (507.5 GM)


The next gen pre-workout powder you need to fully dial in, stay energized and reach your personal best. Our innovative, science-backed formula supports explosive energy, mental focus, muscle pumps, performance, endurance, hydration and more.

  • Increase your focus and intensity
  • Boost energy and stamina without jitters or crash
  • Increase muscle endurance and pump
  • Maximize nutrient absorption and hydration
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You train hard. You train with intensity. You want to get the most out of every training session with no compromises. And you need a pre-workout that can power your performance, each and every time. Introducing Animal Primal Preworkout — Animal’s most comprehensive pre-workout supplement ever, designed so you can crush any training session.

We tirelessly worked to find the right combination of ingredients that could be worthy of the Animal name. First, we start with the pump, but not just any pump will do. Animal Primal Preworkout uses the breakthrough patented 3DPump®. Not only does it increase nitric oxide for the valued “pump”, but it helps increase exercise capacity and endurance and helps optimize vascular endothelial function, aka vascularity†.

It also features a Muscle Endurance complex which combines Beta Alanine, Betaine and Taurine as a powerful endurance trio†. Beta Alanine is a vital ingredient used to combat the urge to quit. In other words, you’ll be able to train longer and harder.

And when you train hard, you have to maintain focus. To help keep your head in the iron game, Primal Preworkout provides performance focus through our Focus & Intensity Complex consisting of the amino acid Tyrosine which is involved in neurotransmitter production, Huperzine A for brain health, and Choline Bitartrate, which supports energy metabolism and helps the brain send messages for improved mental endurance and focus†.

This blend is completed with patented Teacrine®. Among its many benefits includes increases in energy without the jittery feeling, increases in motivation to accomplish tasks, mental energy and decreases in feeling of fatigue†.

Our Quick and Sustained Energy Complex is the energy core of Animal Primal Preworkout. It is powered by a combination of tried and true caffeine along with an herbal complex of green tea, coffee bean extract and guarana†.

Proper hydration is key for maximal performance. So we’ve included an Electrolyte Complex to support muscle hydration to help get you through those intense training sessions. And we’ve topped it off with a combination of Astragin to support nutrient uptake and Senactiv which helps the production of citrate synthase, an important enzyme that is responsible for producing more ATP†.

Maximize your workouts by pushing yourself to your limits with Animal Primal Preworkout.

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